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M.E.L.T.  Performance Team 民族共融關愛中心表演隊

M.E.L.T. Performance Team 民族共融關愛中心表演隊

From the initial training to the final performance, this group of Nepalese mothers thoroughly enjoyed the whole process. Although they are non-Chinese speaking and very busy mothers, it does not hinder their enthusiasm. From the process of selecting songs to the final performance, the outside world is also proud of them. As the saying goes, "One minute on stage, ten years of work off stage", although they encountered difficulties in learning Chinese during the rehearsal period, they were able to overcome it. The group leader also hopes to have more non-Chinese moms to join in and perform together in the near future. Date of performance : 23rd December 2021 & 30th December 2021 Multicultural Festival Harmonious Gathering Carnival 從起初的訓練到最後的表演,這班尼泊爾裔媽媽十分享受整個過程。雖然她們是非華語人士,並且是十分忙碌的媽媽,但也無阻她們的熱誠。從初選歌的過程,到最後表演的一刻,也讓外界對她們感到驕傲。正所謂「台上一分鐘,台下十年工」,雖然在綵排期間,她們遇到學習中文的困難,但她們並能夠克服,她們用尼泊爾文去做譯音,幫助她們譯字。團體組長也希望在不久的將來可發倔更多非華裔媽咪加入,一齊表演。此外,她們從中學會一些日常用語,例如:愛、關顧、愛護等,也讓她們感觸! 表演日期:2021年12月23日及2021年12月30日 民族共融節-關愛樂聚嘉年華


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